control: tags -1 -a11y

On 2020-05-03 15:47:03 [+0200], Bernd Scheinbeth wrote:
> Hallo Sebastian,

> sorry it's my first reportbug.

So there is a reply-all button in your email client. Please use so the
bug number remains in CC. 
You added a11y but based on what you just wrote I assume that this was
not on purporse (a11y is accessibility).

> When clamonacc or because clamav-daemon find a virus, they put it in the
> /root/quarantine folder The VirusEvent option should send a Email to me. But
> there is nothing. Even if I insert VirusEvent /usr/bin/mail -s "A Virus was
> Found %v" < /var/log/clamav.log or /bin/run-parts --lsbsysinit --
> /etc/clamav/virusevent.d/ or /root/detect there is no function. All this
> options are working for itself, but not with VirusEvent. In
> /var/clamav/clamav.log comes the error message Error: VirusEvent: fork
> failed.

Not really a clue but could you try again with apparmor disabled? Maybe
this one is disabling the fork function. If this is not it, then I would
have to dig deeper.

> I send you the clamonacc.service from systemd as an appendix
> Bernd


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