
Thanks Holger for caring about this issue.
A related problem with jessie is that we have 8.11.0 images for all the
arches, but 8.11.1 images only for the LTS arches.


So right now many links of the page
https://www.debian.org/releases/jessie/debian-installer/ provide errors.

I've had a look at your proposal and I agree (thanks!). In addition to
the changes you propose, I think we need to figure out how to show the
info in the  debian-installer page so every link works: the ones that
should point to the (unsupported) 8.11.0 images, and the ones pointing
to the 8.11.1 images.

We probably need custom tags for jessie for its arches and release_info

I'm sorry I couldn't put more time on this, for now.
Right now it's something that happens with jessie, but I guess in the
future we'll have similar issues in newer releases for which LTS only
covers part of the initial architectures.

Kind regards,
Laura Arjona Reina

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