Hi all

As a workaround for the Debian website, until wml 2.12.2~ds1-3 or higher
arrives to stable, I have added the option "-O1" to the options passed
to wml for Chinese, in the /chinese/Make.lang file:

+# Add "-O1"  to wml to be passed to htmlstrip, to avoid malformed UTF-8
+# see bug #959474
+# This option needs to be kept in Chinese until wml 2.12.2~ds1-3 or higher
+# arrives to Debian stable

 WMLOUTPUT = -o UNDEFuZH@uCNuCNHKuCNTW:$(*F).zh-cn.html.tmp@g+w \
        -o UNDEFuZH@uHKuCNHKuHKTWuTWHK:$(*F).zh-hk.html.tmp@g+w \
@@ -54,7 +60,7 @@ WMLPROLOG = --prolog=$(FORMAT_ZH)
 # Remove initial blank line due "[ZH::]" in $(TEMPLDIR)/common_tags.wml,
 # an unfortunate but necessary workaround of a bug in slice < 1.3.9

I have compared the results of builds in stretch and buster both with
and without the option, and there are no changes in stretch, and the
UTF-8 issues are fixed in buster with the option (by the way, thanks
Boyuan for the additional fixes you did to mitigate the error).

So, I think that Bug#959474 can be closed, but I'll leave it open until
we effectively migrate to Buster and see the results in www.debian.org
"live" :-)

Thanks everybody for your work!

Kind regards,
Laura Arjona Reina

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