Dear Debian folks,

Am 09.06.20 um 00:40 schrieb Paul Menzel:
Package: grub-efi
Version: 2.04-8
Severity: normal

The x86 Dell system with UEFI firmware has the partitions below, where the first one is the ESP (and /boot), and the second one is encrypted with LUKS.

     $ lsblk -o NAME,UUID,LABEL,PTTYPE
     NAME                UUID                                 LABEL PTTYPE
     nvme0n1                                                        gpt
     ├─nvme0n1p1         D34D-47A3                            ESP   gpt
     └─nvme0n1p2         b88be798-13e3-4884-9748-bf7a23f0ae87       gpt
       └─nvme0n1p2_crypt c9342a55-b747-4442-b2f4-bc03eb7a51cf

With Debian Sid/unstable, the wrong partition UUID is put into `load.cfg`.

     $ sudo grub-install -v
    grub-install: info: grub-mkimage --directory '/usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi' --prefix '/boot/grub' --output '/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/core.efi'  --dtb '' --format 'x86_64-efi' --compression 'auto'  --config '/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/load.cfg' 'ext2' 'search_fs_uuid'
     $ more /boot/grub/x86_64-efi/load.cfg
     search.fs_uuid c9342a55-b747-4442-b2f4-bc03eb7a51cf root
     set prefix=($root)'/boot/grub'

GRUB then says, it can’t find c9342a55-b747-4442-b2f4-bc03eb7a51cf
 and drops into rescue mode. For whatever reason, the partitions are not detected, and GRUB only sees `(hd0)`. Of course, no modules can be loaded, and I am unable to check what modules are loaded.a

`grub-install --boot-directory=/boot --efi-directory /boot/efi` doesn’t make a difference either.

    $ sudo strings /boot/efi/EFI/debian/grubx64.efi | grep gpt
    $ sudo strings /boot/efi/EFI/debian/grubx64.efi | grep -C 3 c93
    search.fs_uuid c9342a55-b747-4442-b2f4-bc03eb7a51cf root
    set prefix=($root)'/boot/grub'

Interestingly, starting a live system, like Grml (daily), chroot’ing into the system `/mnt` (with `/dev/nvme0n1p1` mounted under `/mnt/boot/`), running `grub-install --efi-directory /boot/efi` creates a working image.

    $ sudo strings /boot/efi/EFI/debian-backup/grubx64.efi | grep gpt

Please find the verbose output attached.

That was for the non-working case with the installed Debian Sid/unstable.

Kind regards,


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