On Sat, Aug 15, 2020 at 05:45:51PM +0100, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> On Fri, 2020-08-07 at 10:46 +0200, Sven Hoexter wrote:
> > if you run facter in the context of Googles GCE it will fetch
> > information from Googles metadata service, but form an old
> > beta API endpoint. This one is due to get shutdown by the
> > end of September 2020.
> > https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/migrating-to-v1-metadata-server
> Do we have an idea of how widely used this particular combination is?

TBH no idea. We use it in combination with ansible on GCE VMs. Looking
through the facter_* facts we still use, they could by now probably
be replaced with some ansible build in facts. That would mean this combination
is mostly used in setups with some technical debt.
That said there might be people running puppet with the puppet packages
from Debian/main on GCE VMs which could be also impacted.

> The reason I ask is that, even if we pull the 10.6 point release back
> in line with where it would have been if 10.5 hadn't been delayed for
> the Grub issues, that would still be during the second half of
> September and quite close to the shutdown date.

Well our internal ticket about Google urging us to move away from the
old API endpoint was lingering for several weeks. I guess they also
pinged other customers and nobody cared enough to investigate it or
at least report a bug in the bts. So probably that issue is less
important/urgen than I initially thought. None the less I still
believe it's sensible to fix it in a forthcoming point release,
whenever that will be.


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