
I just ran into this bug.  When set up by default, I get the
LargeLineHeight variant, which is definitely not what I want.  When
using Font Manager or Gnome Tweaks, it is really not clear to me how I
can even select other variants.  So, for what it is worth, my vote is to
have separate named variants.  Right now, running fc-list, I get the
font names

Fantasque Sans Mono:style=Bold
Fantasque Sans Mono:style=Bold Italic
Fantasque Sans Mono:style=Italic
Fantasque Sans Mono:style=Regular

To incorporate the NoLoopK and LargeLineHeight variants, I would propose
the names:

Fantasque Sans Mono:style=Regular
Fantasque Sans NoLoopK Mono:style=Regular
Fantasque Sans LargeLineHeight Mono:style=Regular
Fantasque Sans LargeLineHeight NoLoopK Mono:style=Regular

Fantasque Sans Mono:style=Bold Italic
Fantasque Sans NoLoopK Mono:style=Bold Italic
Fantasque Sans LargeLineHeight Mono:style=Bold Italic
Fantasque Sans LargeLineHeight NoLoopK Mono:style=Bold Italic

Fantasque Sans Mono:style=Italic
Fantasque Sans NoLoopK Mono:style=Italic
Fantasque Sans LargeLineHeight Mono:style=Italic
Fantasque Sans LargeLineHeight NoLoopK Mono:style=Italic

Fantasque Sans Mono:style=Regular
Fantasque Sans NoLoopK Mono:style=Regular
Fantasque Sans LargeLineHeight Mono:style=Regular
Fantasque Sans LargeLineHeight NoLoopK Mono:style=Regular

If it would be helpful, I could put together a patch.

Walter Landry

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