On 4/7/06, Andy Balaam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Shaun,
> > #285719: freeguide: favourites with time entries do not work
> I have never seen this.  It may be to do with the boundary when one day
> changes into the next - the words "before" and "after" are interpreted
> on the assumption that the day starts at 6am or whatever you have
> chosen.  Thus "before" 6.05am allows only programmes between 6am and
> 6.05.  This could be the problem he is seeing.  If he allows programmes
> between 0:00 and 5:59 he may have better results.
> Any suggestions on this issue welcome.

Hello Uwe,

Are you still seeing this bug with recent versions of FreeGuide? Does
Andy's suggestion help?


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