On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 09:01:51PM +0100, Hilmar Preuße wrote:
Am 14.12.2020 um 11:02 teilte Francesco Paolo Lovergine mit:

Hi Paolo,

After upgrade:

$ sudo proftpd -t
Checking syntax of configuration file
2020-12-14 09:59:09,942 legolas proftpd[5444]: mod_dso/0.5: unable to load 
'mod_tls.c'; check to see if '/usr/lib/proftpd/mod_tls.la' exists

Please note that put the new packages into the Recommend line of proftp-basic. So people using a default apt config would get both new packages. At least on one of my installations this worked fine.

Not in general, the default policy of installing Recommends could be relaxed by users for all packages in /etc/apt/apt.conf or even for single upgrades
by options in apt-get/aptitude. So it would be a policy violation in any case.

Not sure if this is the correct migration path according to policy.

I'm sorry for the work I've caused!

Well, there were in any case other details to manage.

Francesco P. Lovergine

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