Source: xdrawchem
Version: 1:1.11.0-1

I noticed in xdrawchem/1:1.11.0-1 the source package has been switched
from its original code [1] to its fork [2]. While this is OK-ish having
in mind all the problems with original xdrawchem [3], I think the switch
should be made more visible to the end user (currently only d/changelog
and d/watch contains traces of the switch).

IMO, the following files should be updated as well:

- d/control: add homepage, and perhaps a line in package description
telling the end user that this is a fork (and identifying the fork);

- d/copyright: the authors of the fork do not seem to be listed here,
Source field is not updated;

- d/README.source and d/README.Source: outdated; ideally, only
d/README.source should be left, as d/README.Source is non-standard file

- d/xdrawchem.1: could perhaps contain a line about using fork as well.

[3] there may be problems with version numbers if at any point the
switch would be undone; yamanq/xdrawchem seems to be released more
frequently than the original code.

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