Am Samstag, dem 02.01.2021 um 09:50 +0100 schrieb Martin:
> On 2021-01-02 05:19, Bruno Kleinert wrote:
> > I verified it persists in 1.3.0~beta1-1.
> Too bad. Still no problem for me.
> Do you have any other machine to narrow down the problem?
> You might also like to ask for help in

I can reproduce in a virtual machine without any camera running sid
also on amd64. I used GNOME Boxes with QEMU on KVM, emulating a QXL
video card.

I.e., the crash is reproducible independently of the video input system
(Automatic, V4L, PipeWire, X11 and Videotest) selected in Gajim or the
graphics card in the (virtual) machine. Unsetting WAYLAND_DISPLAY also
doesn't make a difference.

I couldn't spend much time on it but tried to get a backtrace with
python -X faulthandler but didn't figure out which *-dbgsym packages
are necessary to get symbols resolved in order to track the crash
further down.


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