Quoting Paul Gevers (2021-02-07 22:04:25)
> Hi Jonas,
> On 07-02-2021 13:44, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > Quoting Paul Gevers (2021-02-07 12:07:08)
> >> With "quite some work" I mean that there are > 20 packages in testing 
> >> that need to change (are bugs already filed?). I understand from your 
> >> explanation that we already have a "Provides" in the fontconfig ID, 
> >> how bad would it be if fonts-urw-base35 add the Debian Provides: 
> >> gsfonts too? If that happens, we can (technically at least) drop 
> >> gsfonts, but how bad would that look (for those that rely on the 
> >> additional features of gsfonts)?
> > 
> > I think you are asking the wrong question here:
> ? I'm wearing my Release Team member hat here. Fixing > 20 packages
> isn't great at this stage of the release. So, *if* this bug is indeed so
> severe as you claim, them I'm looking for options. Adding the Provides
> to fonts-urw-base35 enables us to remove gsfonts, which is what you
> want. I now realize I didn't make that totally clear and I think you
> misread my intentions.

I know that you are wearing your Release Team member hat. I appreciate 
your looking into this issue - with or without that hat on.

I agree with your reasoning that changing 20 packages isn't great and 
that alternative options are more relevant.

I only dismissed the question - i.e. last half of your last sentence: 
"how bad would instead getting fonts-urw-base35 be for those that rely 
on additional features of gsfonts?"

I am sorry if I misunderstood that question.  If I _did_ understand it 
then I don't know how to sensibly answer it, because those that rely on 
additional features of gsfonts _already_ do not (reliably) use gsfonts.

> > Those that rely on the undocumented additional features of gsfonts 
> > already today cannot be certain that they have them!  Most systems 
> > have ghostscript installed and therefore not *only* gsfonts but 
> > *both* that and fonts-urw-base35.
> I understood that from your earlier mail, thanks.

I thought you did, but got uncertain due to that question of yours.

Again, I am sorry if I missed the meaning of that question :-(

> >  a) ensure that 20+ packages declaring a dependency on "look-alike 
> >     fonts of the Adobe PostScript fonts" get the most accurate 
> >     look-alike for the Adobe PostScript fonts: Have the package 
> >     fonts-urw-base35 declare "Provides: gsfonts"
> This is what I had in mind. You forgot to add, and drop gsfonts the 
> binary.

Right, when a) is implemented, this bug can be solved because then this 
package should no longer be used by any packages.

NB! I have *not* closely examined each case e.g. for versioned 
dependencies, but I guess even that should be possible nowadays to 
address without messing directly with those packages, using versioned 

> >  b) ensure that 20+ packages declaring a dependency on "look-alike 
> >     fonts of the Adobe PostScript fonts" get a specific (known 
> >     inaccurate!) look-alike for the Adobe PostScript fonts: Have 
> >     each of those packages declare "Conflicts: fonts-urw-base35" 
> >     (unless they do *not* use fontconfig but explicit file paths to 
> >     load those fonts)
> In my opinion, too late. And again, are the bug reports for those
> packages already there?

I have done no preparations for this option - I don't like this option. 
It's just part of my answering my own question - to clarify why as I see 
it the only sensible approach here does _not_ involve directy messing 
with 20+ packages.

> >  c) ensure that 20+ packages declaring a dependency on "look-alike 
> >     fonts of the Adobe PostScript fonts" continue to only maybe get 
> >     what they declared - depending on whether their system happens 
> >     to provide them different fonts instead.
> But you claim that this is RC worthy. What's more, you claim that very 
> late in the release cycle (I think the issue hasn't changed since 
> buster, jessie or even longer) when there is not much time to decide 
> what to do and gsfonts is *currently* a key package that can't just be 
> removed so we need to decide the path to continue, autoremoval won't 
> do the work for you. Is this font issue really worth all that *now*?

I think that this namespace clash is a real issue, regardless of it 
having existed a long time.

If the only options available to solve this issue involved messing 
directly with 20+ packages, then (if I had a Release Team member hat) I 
would probably judge it too late and flag it as ignore-for-this-release.

> > My own answer would be that b) is the most work, c) is the least work, 
> > but b) is reasonably little work while solving this bug.
>       ^^ I assume you meant a) here. So I think we agree?

Yes!  Arrgh, sorry for that crucial and confusing mistake.

> > ...which gets us back to the original question of filing this 
> > bugreport: Is this bug real, and if so is it worth fixing for 
> > bullseye?
> That's exactly my question too. And I'm really leaning now to "not for 
> bullseye, it's too late". This is no regression from the last couple 
> of releases after all.

That's your call to make.

> > Answering that question involves the maintainer of fonts-urw-base35, 
> > who seems to agree that the issue is real, but seems to consider c) 
> > more reasonably to preserve than to fix this bug (hence my comment 
> > that I can choose to ignore this bug for 10 more years if need be).
> So, is the maintainer in the loop? He replied once, but do you know if 
> he follows our conversation?

No, I don't know - I just assumed that the owner of a package gets 
emails posted to a bug (but I have been wrong before about how our 
bugtracker works...).

Added now explicitly.

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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