On Fri, 12 Feb 2021, 12:52 am Guillem Jover, <guil...@debian.org> wrote:

> Then there's the problem with changing contents for already seen
> files, which seems like a dak bug. It does not allow to change a
> tarball once it has been seen, so I don't see why it should allow a
> changed .asc either?

That's not true.

Call it a dak bug or a feature, depending on where you stand.  Dak forgets
everything concerning a file as soon as it's not present in any suite it
This usually appears in the way of people uploading a package with the same
name and version of something that was removed long long ago and since then
archived and forgotten by dak.

It's totally possible to overwrite a tarball with the same filename too
that way, you just need to wait the appropriate amount of time and upload
things in a way that you replace the upstream tarball.
(Honestly I haven't tried this myself, but I have a package where if you'd
like I can actually go and try to prove my point).

Back to the original bug report: I personally believe that the signatures
there are fine, and I don't believe in the "upstream the re-sign an already
released tarball" story.  But I consider the current forgetfulness of dak
as a bug.

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