severity 982465 wishlist

I am sorry but I simply see no bug in package r-base here.

The RcppParallel maintainer tried a Debian-local modification to that CRAN
package. That didn't work, and now fingers are pointed at r-base.

Which is simply not the right way to go about this as package RcppParallel is
fine at CRAN (see [1], ignore upcoming issues such the Apple M1 chip).

I could and maybe should close this, but let's maybe keep it open and come
back to it once RcppParallel 5.1.0 is released as some of the underlying
libraries have changed or will change again under Intel oneAPI (I lost
track). I will leave it to the RcppParallel to decide whether he wants
working Debian package (by just packaging RcppParallel) or perfect technical
purity by not including a system library yet ending up with a package that
doesn't work (which was the source of this bug report).


[1] (the

-- | @eddelbuettel |

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