Guillem Jover <> writes:

> Given that the X.Org server is apparently pretty much dead, that other
> distributions are also switching to Wayland and that most mainstream
> desktop environments now support this natively. It would be nice to
> have fltk support this too.

Hi, Guillem.

That's a fair request, but alas doesn't have a good formal home in
Debian at the moment -- I've been using a separate source package for
each upstream release series, and per the upstream report's feedback,
Wayland support won't be happening for the 1.3 branch (fltk1.3 source
package), let alone 1.1 (long dead upstream, to be belatedly retired
from Debian post-buster).  I expect it would be non-trivial to backport
even to 1.3.

I suppose I could construe this report as an RFP for fltk1.4, but that
code base hasn't yet either had an official upstream release or gained
Wayland support.

How would you like to proceed?

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at |

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