On 9 April 2021 at 22:33, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
| On 09/04/2021 22.19, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| > That is ... quite possible. It's actually the same with line above in
| > debian/rules.  The actual underlying problem, though, is that a lot of
| > content that once appears to have in gretl-doc is now in gretl itself :-/
| dh_installdocs changed behavior from compat level 11 onwards:
| from debhelper(7):
|             -       The dh_installdocs and dh_installexamples tools may 
| now install most of the documentation in a different path to comply with 
| the recommendation from Debian policy ยง12.3 (since version 3.9.7).
|                     Note that if a given source package only contains a 
| single binary package in debian/control or none of the packages are -doc 
| packages, then this change is not relevant for that source package and 
| you can skip to the next change.
|                     By default, these tools will now attempt to 
| determine a "main package for the documentation" (called a 
| doc-main-package from here on) for every -doc package.  If they find 
| such a doc-main-package, they will now install the
|                     documentation into the path 
| /usr/share/doc/doc-main-package in the given doc package.  I.e. the path 
| can change but the documentation is still shipped in the -doc package.
|                     The --doc-main-package option can be used when the 
| auto-detection is insufficient or to reset the path to its previous 
| value if there is a reason to diverge from Debian policy recommendation.
|                     Some documentation will not be affected by this 
| change.  These exceptions include the copyright file, changelog files, 
| README.Debian, etc.  These files will still be installed in the path 
| /usr/share/doc/package.

Spot on.  What is most expedient way to correct this? dh_movefiles?


https://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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