Hello Arjen,

Am 17.06.21 um 11:45 schrieb Arjen Balfoort:

>    * What led up to the situation?
> Update from 1:78.10.0-1 to 1:78.11.0-1 breaks Atom feeds.
>    * What exactly did you do (or not do) that was effective (or
>      ineffective)?
> Checked live ISO with Thunderbird 1:78.10.0-1 which retrieved Atom feeds.
> Checked that RSS feeds worked in 1:78.11.0-1 which it did.
> Upgraded 1:78.11.0-1 to experimental 1:89.0~b2-1 which also does not retrieve
> Atom feeds.

I expect you are also a victim of some trouble around the libnss3
library and changed behavior between the available version in
testing/bullseye and unstable.

Please have a look at https://bugs.debian.org/989839 for more information.

> Debugging Thunderbird in bullseye is impossible at the moment: there
> is no thunderbird-dbgsym package and the run-mozilla.sh script
> mentioned in the man page does not exist.
That's only partially true.
Yes the man page is outdated, I haven't noticed this really before your
email, I've adjusted the relevant part right now and this will get
reflected within the next upload.

The thunderbird binary has an option '--help' for while. This is
available by tab completion by the way.

> $ thunderbird --help
> ...
>  thunderbird -g
>     Starts Thunderbird in a GDB session if packages gdb and
>     thunderbird-dbgsym are installed.
> ...

This will you give further information in case not all requirements are

I expect you will get a full working Thunderbird again if you install
the libnss3 package from unstable/sid.


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