control: fixed -1

Dear Diego,

Finally all your patches reached bullseye (stable to be) and buster
(backports). :-)

On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 2:21 AM Diego Escalante Urrelo <> wrote:
> Hey Roger,
> Apologies for the radio silence. I just saw that this email ended up
> in the spam folder :(.
> Thanks for your comments and eagerness to welcome and test this, I'm
> really glad that more people will find this useful :) :)
> Some comments:
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2020 at 11:08 AM Roger Shimizu <> wrote:
> > > My "frankenwl" branch is functionally the same as the above
> > > "diegoe_debian" branch, but it certainly makes it less convoluted to try
> > > and find problems in the code going forward. That said, I wasn't sure
> > > what would be the best way to proceed, or if it was a smart thing to do
> > > anyway. I guess this package is on "life support" on most distros, so I
> > > doubt there would be a objections on creating a shared new upstream (but
> > > I'm not familiar with the packaging of this driver in Debian, or other
> > > distros).
> >
> > Since the upstream seems not active for quite a few years, so I think
> > it's totally fine if you want to fork.
> > And if you do so, I'm happy to update debian package to follow your
> > forked git repo.
> >
> Do you think it would be worth it to reach out to maintainers at a few
> main distros and see if there's any interest to collaborate on this?
> When I was trying to figure out the issues with my card (see below) I
> noticed that most distros either copy+paste patches, or brew their own
> slightly different versions.

I think upstream maintainer is not active, and the binary blob hasn't
been updated for years.
Anyway you can try to reach them.

> > > I'm also aware that cards supported by this driver are "old" but most
> > > computers trapped in the broadcom-sta driver are perfectly functional
> > > today and will be for a few more years. In my particular case I'm
> > > running a macbookpro11,1 (2013) which works flawlessly except for the
> > > wifi! (Hah!) -- And I understand most other macbookpro models from
> > > around 2013 share this or similar Broadcom cards that use this driver.
> > > All those machines should be perfectly functional with Debian right now,
> > > and for a few more years.
> >
> > Yes, I also have two mac devices that use this driver.
> > Thanks for your effort to make the driver better.
> I wonder if you have run into the connection timeouts/unstable wifi
> issues that many other users run into? I have been trying to debug why
> and when this issue happens, but perhaps you might have any clue or
> anecdote that might help figure this out.
> The issue seems to appear when using certain (seemingly old) APs that
> do not implement anything newer than 802.11n -- meaning that anything
> with 802.11ac is usually free of the issue. The problem manifests as
> sudden very high latency, and sometimes lost ARP/identity towards the
> AP. I have been unable to debug the issue, but I have reasonably
> eliminated WMM, power saving (both PCI/card and 802.11 protocol),
> b/g/n, and a few other suspects.
> From my own testing it would seem that the firmware blob in the card
> (or the blob uploaded by the driver) simply stops reporting new
> packets, either queuing them, or simply dropping them silently, which
> on user space manifests as progressively higher latency and eventual
> lost of connectivity until resync/reconnection happens, or the
> firmware behaves again. I don't have the proper network hardware to
> test the router side, so I can't 100% confirm what's going on.
> AFAIK, these cards have a hybrid firmware model where there's a ROM
> firmware in the card, but by design you have/can upload a RAM firmware
> that allows the OEM/IHV to upload new features or fix bugs. Fairly
> standard, I understand. But my current hypothesis is that the
> particular card I have is an slightly custom module by Apple that has
> certain buggy behaviors that get corrected with the RAM firmware made
> by Apple. To give some support to this hypothesis, my current card +
> AP combo exhibited the same buggy behavior under OSX. However, this
> buggy behavior got fixed on OSX a few months after the last ever
> release of broadcom-sta for Linux. My hypothesis is that whatever bug
> that this ROM firmware has with slow or old APs (whether a Broadcom or
> Apple integration bug), got fixed by Apple or Broadcom in an updated
> RAM firmware, but said fix missed the window of the last ever
> broadcom-sta.
> Anyway, my current understanding is that we can't fix the described
> problem with the "open" part of the driver. It is the firmware part
> that is the problem, so unless someone learns or knows how to extract
> the firmware from the binary blob in OSX/Windows, and then use that in
> Linux, or something like that, then the use case of "old weird AP +
> this card" is broken under Linux (under some undetermined
> circumstances).
> Rant over. Thought I would share the above info anyway, in case you
> might have any clue or anecdote that could help figure this out.

You patches already improved the driver quite much.
I do meet some packet drops sometimes, but not very often.

It'd be appreciated if you can improve this driver more.


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