Hi Helmut,

sorry for replying a bit late.

On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 08:05:25PM +0200, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> I've notices that musl lacks a #include <fts.h> that glibc provides. Of
> course for every glibc header there is a user in Debian and it happens
> that libselinux uses this. Obviously libselinux fails to build. Luckily,
> we're not the first ones to notice this issue. All the other embedded
> distros already know. Just why does musl lack it? The FAQ[1] has an
> outdated answer. It's outdated, because glibc now provides fts64.
> Anyway, the answer of other embedded distributions is a separate
> musl-fts[2] that provides the missing functionality.
> I see basically two options now. One is that src:musl includes musl-fts
> and that musl-dev also provides musl-fts. That would make things most
> simple, because we don't get into any bootstrap dependency weirdness nor
> any other issues.
> The other option is packaging musl-fts separately. New source package.
> New binary package. fts.h users would likely have to depend on a new
> libc-fts-dev virtual package provided by libc6-dev and musl-fts-dev.
> Do you have any preference here? Can you take care of musl-fts?

Yes, my preference is including musl-fts in src:musl, as that is a
simple solution and is also easy to undo once musl-fts gets merged
A new source package for a .c and .h file is in my opinion a bit

I will take care of it in the next upload, though I can't give you an
exact timeline right now (probably at one of the coming weekends).

Also thanks for poking upstream about this issue.

Kind regards,

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