Control: Tags -1 + unreproducible


Witold Baryluk, le ven. 06 août 2021 16:29:50 +0200, a ecrit:
> says this 
> should be supported.

Yes, that should be working, and does work in my tests.

> Using multi-arch image for testing.
> wget 
> (image from 2021-08-06 11:00)
> qemu-system-x86_64 --enable-kvm -cdrom debian-testing-amd64-i386-netinst.iso 
> -m 1024

Which version of qemu is this? I guess no other option than this?

> Select "Install" (text installer, not graphical one).

I.e. the second boot option? (the 64bit variant)

> Select defaults (or other) for language, location and keyboard.

So just pressing enter to select everything by default? (except the
"Install" boot option)

> Let it load installer components.
> It will sometimes load, but more often than not, if you start again from
> scratch, it will hang somewhere forever.

So you mean while loading installer components?

I'm not getting such a problem (and 1024M is really plently to just load
components, it's partman that needs quite more, notably with crypto

At worse, note from
that you can force higher lowmem options, but 1024M should really be way


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