
>> In order to avoid unnecessary dependencies, please consider replacing
>> the strict x11-tools dependency with a range of options including
>> zenity and kdialog. > thunderbird-wrapper-helper.sh already supports zenity 
>> and kdialog,
>> only the package dependency declaration needs to be modified.
> well, the named helper script has a fallback to use xmessage that is
> needed in environments there no DE is installed and kdialog and zenity
> isn't available. Like users which only use a tiling manager, e.g. on i3.

But changing the dependency declaration from 'x11-utils' to 'x11-utils | zenity 
| kdialog' makes a tiling manager user have to have x11-utils (or zenity or 
kdialog) installed and allows a user of xfce+zenity or lxde+zenity to not have 
to install x11-utils.

> Currently the dependency on this package is still required.
> Dropping x11-utils isn't gain that much.

The problem with the x11-utils package is that it is not just xmessage, but 
populates the system and the menu with a dozen additional programs including a 
display information utility for X, an X event displayer, a glyph displayer, two 
X font browsers/selectors/displayers, xkill, an X client displayer,... For 
anyone setting up a desktop with a few carefully chosen applications, having to 
install the full suite of applications 'x11-utils' is counterintuitive.

Thank you.


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