There was a valuable discussion of Salsa here. [1] It included this
valuable information:


Santiago R.R. commented:

I think some of you already knew it, but I confirmed this is something
related to the running environment, meaning the salsa.d.o runners.
With the following .gitlab-ci.yml:

image: 'debian:unstable'

    - locale
    - locale -a
    - apt-get update ; apt-get -y install lintian
    - LANG=C.UTF-8 MANROFFSEQ='' MANWIDTH=80 man --warnings -E UTF-8
-l -Tutf8 -Z /usr/share/man/man1/grep.1.gz > /dev/null
    - lintian -i --display-info --pedantic --allow-root
debian/output/*.changes | tee lintian.output

there is still the warning on salsa:

but it runs OK on

I'd suggest to close this MR, since it doesn't solve the issue, and
continue discussing on the BTS.

I don't know what can be done on the Salsa CI side, for the moment,
and it is kind of frustrating.

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