Hi Alex!

Please take note that the Debian BTS doesn't subscribe automatically
posters to a bug report, so you need to explicitly CC people that you
want to message!
(Grahm pointed me to your reply ^^)

Also, I'm happy to have pointed out to tools and things you weren't
aware of!  :)

On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 03:51:02PM +0100, Alexandre Ghiti wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 12:08:27 +0100 Alexandre Ghiti
> <alexandre.gh...@canonical.com> wrote:
> > On Thu, 20 Jan 2022 18:50:33 +0100 Mattia Rizzolo <mat...@debian.org> wrote:
> > > * You did a ton of patch wrangling, including deletion, renaming,
> > > rebasing, etc. which is all fine, except that the way you did it
> > > obscures quite a bit what you did. Why did you drop the numbers from
> > > the patches? Do you have --no-patch-numbers as you gbp-pq default or
> > > something?
> >
> > I changed the patches names since they were different: I fixed that in
> > my coming MR. Thanks for gbp that I did not know neither.

Indeed, those patches from before were handled by gbp-pq, which
basically uses `git format-patch` instead of plain dep-3 headers.

I must admit that I prefer the original DEP-3, however that makes the
gbp-pq import/export more noisy.  But well, that's fine.

> > > * why requiring gem2deb >=1 ? that's already in bullseye as well in
> > > focal, so why did you feel the need to add the version? (that's also
> > > not in the changelog)
> >
> > I simply copied the debian/ directory from the previous version that I
> > got from pull-lp-source, I did not use git...I'll use git in the
> > future, thanks.

Ah, I see indeed that the current package has that thing.  mh.  Sorry I
didn't notice that.

Normally it's fine to base some work in the released package, however
especially for team-maintained packages, it might be more useful and
helpful to do the work in git nowadays, even if that exposes the
submitter to the mess that is git maintenance in debian (where different
teams have different workflows and different tools).

> > > Could I ask you to submit a MR on top of it, with at least commits
> > > separating the deletion, refresh and rebasing of patches (and eventual
> > > new ones, I can't tell at a glance if any new patch appeared…) also
> > > separated.
> > > https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/ruby-pygments.rb
> >
> > It's on its way :)
> I can't find how to create a MR in salsa,

That's because you create a new repo instead of clicking the "fork"
button on the original project.  GitLab allows for MR to be created only
in forks.

> can you pull directly from here:
> https://salsa.debian.org/alexghiti/ruby-pygments.rb/-/tree/int/alex/2.3.0
> It successfully built in my PPA, if you need any more modification, do
> not hesitate.

That looks fine!

I'm going to massage the changelog a bit, but besides that it looks

Thank you!

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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