On Wed, 2 Jun 2021 03:17:50 -0400 Jason Woofenden wrote:
> Package: chromium
> Version: 90.0.4430.212-1
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> Thanks for all your work on packaging chromium, I imagine that this
> is a big job!
> My keyboard lacks an AltGr key, so I use xmodmap to turn my useless
> Menu key into an AltGr like so:
> setxkbmap dvorak
> xmodmap -e 'keycode 135 = Mode_switch' \
> -e 'remove mod5 = Mode_switch'
> xmodmap -e 'add mod3 = Mode_switch'
> I have a script containing the above lines, though sometimes it's
> "us" instead of "dvorak".
> This worked well for about 5 years.
> I'm not sure if it's the setxkbmap or the xmodmap, but when I run
> that script _after_ chromium starts, then chromium starts ignoring
> my keybinding for the menu key, and I can no longer type accented
> characters, because I get a weird menu instead.
> If I close chromium and open it up again, it's fixed (I can again
> use that key as Mode_switch) until next time I switch to qwerty and
> back (and run those xmodmap commands.)
> When chromium is bugging, other programs are functioning correctly,
> eg I can still type my accented characters with my menu key
> remapped to alt-gr in other programs (I tested lowriter, st, atril,
> and filezilla).


Is this still happening with chromium 98? We've changed a bunch of things around the way we build chromium since v90.



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