On Thu, Feb 24, 2022 at 12:26:51PM +0100, Lorenzo wrote:

> > However, if there were a natural-language explanation or flowchart, I
> > think I could summarize it succinctly in a manner appropriate for the
> > man page, within a day.
> > 
> > Alas, that's all the help I can offer at the moment.
> > 
> > András
> > 
> an attempt to fully explain the actual behavior is ( only for d, the
> same goes for x)

So I suggest the following:

--- 8< ---

       For each control character c except "d" and "x" sent to the control
       pipe, runsv first checks if service/control/c exists and is
       executable. If so, it starts service/control/c and waits for it to
       terminate, before interpreting the command. If the program exits with
       return code 0, runsv refrains from sending the service the
       corresponding signal. The command o is always considered as command
       u. On command d first service/control/t is checked, and then
       service/control/d. On command x first service/control/t is checked,
       and then service/control/x. Specifically:

       If the service is running or paused, control characters "d" and "x" are 
handled as follows:

       1. runsv checks whether control/t exists and is executable and runs it 
if yes.
       2. If control/t exits nonzero, or is not executable or doesn't exist, 
runsv sends the service a TERM signal.
       3. runsv sends the service a CONT signal, disregarding control/c even if 
it exists and is executable.
       4. Runsv checks whether control/d (or control/x) exists and is 
executable and runs it if yes. Its exit status is ignored.

       The control of the optional log service cannot be customized.

--- >8 ---

I believe this is clear; I don't know if it's accurate.


                Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.

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