* James McCoy [2021-12-17 22:31 +0100]:
On Thu, Dec 16, 2021 at 10:28:18AM +0100, Nicolas Évrard wrote:
I am sorry for this bug report because it occurs on some rare occurence and I
don't have a scenario to reproduce it. Yet it's annoying enough to deserve a
bug report. Feel free to close it as unreproduceable ;).

With the arrival of LSP I switched my configuration from ALE to the builtin LSP
for linting and so on. I made this switch some days after the release of neovim
0.5.0 ; since that time I have remarked that sometimes (I'd say 2 or 3 times a
month), when I undo my changes (not just one press of 'u' multiple presses), it
results in a mix of old and new changes.

There were a number of fixes in the LSP stuff for 0.6.0, so can you let
me know if you see this again after upgrading to that?


So after a while I thought that it had indeed disappeared but I had it twice
today :(. It seems to be a problem with the virtual text and treesitter.

Here's a screenshot of the error in action.

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