28.04.2022 15:27, Ondřej Surý wrote:
Yes, it’s the old one. The 2012 hasn’t been specified for use
in DNSSEC - there was a draft, but it has expired.

Ok, that makes sense. Thank you for clarification.

Please note there are at least 4 symbols in the libldns3
library which are gost-related:
We can keep the symbols as dummy shims, so the package
doesn’t have to bump SOVERSION.

Yeah.  Formally we should do either one or another.
In practice I *highly* doubt anyone is using these 4
symbols, so maybe we can just disable the thing without
doing anything. I'm too lazy now to provide the stubs :)

There are no GOST signatures used in real world deployments,
there’s no need to have validation enabled anywhere. Keeping
obsoleted algorithm alive is not doing anybody any favor.

I for one have no objections whatsoever against removal it
besides the extra work which is needed. To me it is like,
don't touch it if it does not disturb anyone.

FWIW, for me the whole GOST thing is weird, I'd not have/use it
at all to begin with.  In some contexts it is required though.


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