Hi Agathe,

On Tue, May 03, 2022 at 09:25:30AM +0200, Agathe Porte wrote:
> Were you able to progress on this package? If so, could you share your work
> on Salsa or elsewere? I depend on this package for another ITP of mine that
> I would like to complete before the freeze.

The current packaging can be found at https://salsa.debian.org/jelmer/maturin

I'm currently waiting for some of the rust dependencies and their dependencies 
to make it into the archive:

 * pyo3 (waiting for pyo3-ffi)
 * pyo3-ffi (in NEW)
 * fat-macho (needs updating of goblin)
 * llvm-bitcode (waiting for num-enum)
 * num-enum (in NEW)
 * num-enum-derive (in NEW)



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