On 5/4/06, Lauri Alanko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
May I ask what exactly is preventing this bug from being fixed? As I
told two months ago, it seems that the problem is only that upstream's
64-bit sources aren't used by the package on amd64. When I applied the
changes between the 32-bit and 64-bit upstream sources to the build
tree, everything worked, and has worked now for two months. The only
problem is the window closing in azureus, but I suspect that is
not related to SWT.

I see this bug has been tagged "upstream", but the upstream sources are
just fine, they are just used wrong by the debian package. So what is
preventing from including the 64-bit parts in the debian package and
closing the bug?

Maintaining a package by creating a giant '64-bit' patch by hand for
every release does not make a maintainable package. It makes a
disaster. The problem is that upstream continues to release one source
tarball for 32-bit architectures and a separate source tarball for
64-bit architectures. Neither of these packages contains the ant
scripts that they use to create one from the other.

For the intents of a Debian maintainer, upstream essentially does not
release a source package of SWT *at all*, since it does not contain
the necessary scripts to actually build the package.

That's why this bug is tagged upstream.


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