Hi again,

On 2022-06-19 03:28, Shengjing Zhu wrote:
I used to be able to run rootless container on debian sid maybe 3 months ago
(I'm sorry, I don't have much more precise information about versions when
things used to work), but now that I try and start containers again I am
consistently hitting errors of this form:

     $ podman run -d --name="draw" -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 fjudith/draw.io
Error: OCI runtime error: unable to start container 
"0f2eb8afb9ce6eebbede769dc288e228ea6cbae0e76936672e6673228ac6862c": runc create 
failed: unable to start container process: can't get final child's PID from pipe: EOF

Can someone checks if you still fail to run rootless container with
runc and podman 4.1?

I think it's because
https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/13731, which is fixed in
podman 4.1.
And it's caused by systemd 250 which changes OOMScoreAdjust inuser@.service

For an added tidbit of information, I am under the impression that I need the "crun" package because of this configuration:

$ podman info
    name: crun
    package: 'crun: /usr/bin/crun'
    path: /usr/bin/crun

Although I tried changing that by creating a file ~/.config/containers/containers.conf with this:

runtime = "runc"

and then I had to remove currently existing containers to recreate them.

and although "podman info" and "podman container inspect ..." show me that runc should now be used, I'm still getting the error above. So I don't know how to get containers to run with runc.

Is it possible that podman has changed its default runtime to crun? In this case, would it make more sense for the podman debian package to depend on crun by default instead of runc?

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