Il 15/08/2022 18:01, Christoph Anton Mitterer ha scritto:
Hey Fabio.

On Mon, 2022-08-15 at 11:43 +0200, Fabio Fantoni wrote:
cinnamon 5.4 had a big muffin rebase after over 10 years, this help
performance and support of new features/technologies, wayland will
works in other components and probably also another mutter rebase for
better support anyway major of other things should be ok
Uagh... I mean I can understand that one wants to sort out old
technologies (metacity)... and needs new stuff (wayland)...

But I can also quite understand the criticism from the reporter of the
issue you've mentioned below.

Seems quite some time since cinnamon got real new power features and
detailed ways to customise the DE.
Now it looses the theming, or at least some important parts of it.
Feels a bit like the unfortunate GNOME way.

about windows decoration is one of the things changed in newer mutter
and now is managed by gtk3 theme chosen, this probably can help you:
I'll see whether I can make it more usable via the CSS thingy proposed

But with the default theme that we have now, the window title filed
seems unnecessarily big[0], and the colours for focused/non-focused
also seem to be rather problematic.

so is probably something that should be added/changed in the theme,
Are you going to adapt something for that in the default theme shipped
by Debian?
Or perhaps package some further themes for more choice?

About the themes I already asked suggestions in mailing list, joshua had suggested to put the cinnamon theme by default and i think it would be good, if there are problems in that too they should be reported on cinnamon github and i suppose they would be solved as i have seen others recently too

about packages ( I also asked but the suggestion was to not do, but if some users require it I can do it (as additional and not default)

instead there are bugs related to muffin/cinnamon itself try to see
open issues on muffin and cinnamon github and link it here if you
one or more related
In principle I'd like to see back the option to select which buttons I
see in the window title (like disabling the left icon that appears now
in the new version and opens the context menu, or re-ordering the
minimiz/maximize/etc. buttons on the right)...
... but upstream doesn't seem to be too open for such feature requests
(or actually one should call it regressions, since it worked

Thanks btw. for your maintenance efforts.

about ordering of minimize/maximize etc if I not wrong was not related to muffin rebase but was done previously (I don't remember for sure)

some settings was fixed/readded already, also many changes was done in muffin after rebase (even if will cause require many more time for future rebases) unfortunately more developers would be needed (even occasional contributors), they are few and they must also manage the forks of many programs (in I mean) unfortunately :(

I think it would be great be able to bring many add/changes to upstream of the forked software (as long as they accept them) and possibly also optional feature (even if they were only or almost used by cinnamon, mate or other forks) but I fear that this will be difficult :(

I also think would be great have on many softwares 2 "type of graphic" (one default for gnome and one "traditional" for cinnamon mate and others DE) for avoid many fork and waste of time (for developers) and have higher quality of softwares but I fear this it would be unlikely to happen


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