Vagrant Cascadian <> writes:

> The month embedded in the TODAY variable is translatable, and thus
> changes depending on the locale of the build environment.

Good catch, thanks!

> The attached patch updates debian/patches/debian-changes to use a
> numeric date, which should be independent of locale.

I presume another option would be to run date with LC_ALL set to C,
particularly given that the actual content is all in English anyway.

> It is unclear if this alone will make fltk1.3 build reproducibly, but it
> should reduce the differences even if it does not solve all issues.

I seem to recall some other wrinkles, but I'll be happy to move closer
to reproducibility regardless.

> ++    TODAY=`date -ud'$(DEB_DATE)' +'%Y-%m-%s'`; \

ITYM '%Y-%m-%d' or '%F'

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at |

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