Sebastian Ramacher dixit:

>This is already an issue with 0.34~cvs20160606-12.

It’s an incompatible toolchain change that broke this package.
I’m trying to find out why, but the ARM porters are not helpful.

Support mksh as /bin/sh and RoQA dash NOW!
‣ src:bash (406 (433) bugs: 0 RC, 275 (295) I&N, 131 (138) M&W, 0 F&P) + 208
‣ src:dash (91 (106) bugs: 0 RC, 51 (55) I&N, 40 (51) M&W, 0 F&P) + 63 ubu
‣ src:mksh (1 bug: 0 RC, 0 I&N, 1 M&W, 0 F&P)
dash has two RC bugs they just closed because they don’t care about quality…

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