[Filip Hanes]
> Hi,
> I'm new maintainer of casparcg-server after pere.

And I am very happy to have a replacement who actually use the
package. :)  The package is also moved under the Debian Multimedia
umbrella, allowing more people to particiate. :)

>> 1) Chromium adds a chromium-source binary package, with the
>> understanding that whoever packages CEF will keep it out of stable
> Could we try this option 1) to make some progress at least in unstable
> and testing and later with more experience see if we can continue to
> other option?

I suggest you give it a go locally, and see if you can get it working,
as well as report your progress on #debian-multimedia, to see if others
can help. :)

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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