Hi Gunnar !

Summary: I report which layout I get with various combinations of locale and
user and system configurations.  Perhaps importantly, I also found that when I
switch layout using the keyboard shortcut that I configured (pressing the two
shift keys), I do not get the same result as if I select the same layout using
the mouse in the menu bar!

I tried multiple combinations of configurations.  To describe them easily, I
will call "user layout" the value of "layout" in
~/.config/mozc/ibus_config.textproto, which for instance is "jp"
in the example below:

    cat ~/.config/mozc/ibus_config.textproto
    engines {
      name : "mozc-jp"
      longname : "Mozc"
      layout : "jp"

  layout : "jp"

And I will call "system layout" the value of "<layout>" in the
file /usr/share/ibus/component/mozc.xml, which for instance is "jp"
in the example below.

    cat  /usr/share/ibus/component/mozc.xml 
      <description>Mozc Component</description>
      <exec>/usr/lib/ibus-mozc/ibus-engine-mozc --ibus</exec>
      <author>Google Inc.</author>
      <license>New BSD</license>
      <engines exec="/usr/lib/ibus-mozc/ibus-engine-mozc --xml" />

As I write this, I have "jp" in both my user and system layout, and
LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8, LANGUAGE= and LC_ALL= in my environment.  My three layouts
are Japanese (Mozc), Japanese and Canadian multilingual. `gsettings get
org.gnome.desktop.input-sources sources` indicates: [('ibus', 'mozc-jp'),
('xkb', 'jp'), ('xkb', 'ca+multix')].  However, when I select the xkb jp
layout, the keyboard types in canadian layout.  The two other layouts
give the expected result.

As I reported earlier, when the user and system "layout" values are "default",
and my locale is fr_FR.UTF-8, then when I select the Mozc layout my keyboard
sometimes in types in azerty layout, which I have configured nowhere.  Today
I found that this only happens if I switch to the layout via the keyboard
shortcut (here: shiftL + shiftR).  If I switch layout using the mouse and the
GNOME menu bar, the Mozc layout is the same as the previously selected keyboard
(either Japanese or Canadian multilingual).

Here is a summary of various combinations of configurations that I tested.  Too
be frank, using the fr_CA.UTF-8 is fine with me as a workaround.  My main
motivation with this report is that in the default configuraiton, having the
French azeerty layout picked despite it is nowhere in the configuraiton is
clearly a bug.

user    system  locale          problem
----    ------  ------          -------
default default fr_FR.UTF-8     ibus mozc-jp layout is sometimes French azerty 
and sometimes Canadian
default default fr_CA.UTF-8     fr_CA.UTF-8 is in principle the wrong locale.   
jp      jp      fr_FR.UTF-8     xkb jp layout is Canadian
jp      jp      fr_CA.UTF-8     xkb jp layout is Canadian
jp      default fr_CA.UTF-8     xkb jp layout is Canadian
jp      default fr_FR.UTF-8     xkb jp layout is Canadian
default jp      fr_FR.UTF-8     xkb jp layout is Canadian
default jp      fr_CA.UTF-8     xkb jp layout is Canadian

Have a nice week-end !


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