16.10.2022 08:04, Adrian Bunk wrote:
With 0.10.3-1 vulkan is a new requirement, breaking the qemu build again:

The complete list is currently:
$ pkg-config --cflags virglrenderer
Package epoxy was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `epoxy.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
Package 'epoxy', required by 'virglrenderer', not found
Package 'libdrm', required by 'virglrenderer', not found
Package 'gbm', required by 'virglrenderer', not found
Package 'vulkan', required by 'virglrenderer', not found
Package 'libva', required by 'virglrenderer', not found
Package 'libva-drm', required by 'virglrenderer', not found

In practice, most/all of the -dev build dependencies also have to become
dependencies of libvirglrenderer-dev.

Actually this is an interesting question and a quite common issue.

This package does not provide a static library.
All the mentioned packages are listed in Requires.private pkgconfig tag:

 Version: 0.10.3
 Requires.private: epoxy >=  1.5.4, libdrm >= 2.4.50, gbm >=  0.0.0, x11, 
vulkan, libva, libva-drm

The thing is: these are needed by a static-link library (dynamic .so
libs are already handled by debian package dependencies). They're not
used when building other software with libvirglrenderer.  It is only
pkg-config which fails to find them, for actual usage these are not

I used to remove Requires.private: tags from the .pc files in such
cases, entirely, because it makes no sense in this context.  And it
makes build just a bit faster too.

But indeed, many maintainers tend to add lots'a stuff to Depends.

I'd remove the Requires.private here as well.

What do you guys think?


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