Okay, those tests can fail. Still there is some stuff to do on the package:
Please fix the reprotest at 
https://salsa.debian.org/cryptocoin-team/electrum/-/jobs/3398402, which used to 
and the lintian errors at 

E: electrum source: source-is-missing [electrum/www/jquery-3.4.1.min.js]
E: electrum source: source-is-missing [electrum/www/jquery-ui.min.js]
E: electrum source: source-is-missing [electrum/www/qrcode.js]

If the sources of these minified js files are included in the source tree, add a lintian override with a comment where it is. Else, please add the source to debian/missing-sources/. Extra points for replacing the files with the versions from Debian packages (if possible).

I reviewed your changes. Please do not introduce a compat file on packages that 
already use debhelper-compat.
The debian/copyright needs some more changes. Search the upstream import commit for newly added copyright lines and new license texts.

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