Quoting Borden (2022-10-22 16:16:12)
> 22 Oct 2022, 03:23 by jo...@jones.dk:
> > I doubt I am able to contribute much to this bugreport.  If/when you
> > guys figure out something you'd like to get added to the radicale
> > package (and it isn't too involving or exotic) then tell me and I will
> > sure consider adopting it into the package.  Other than that, I will
> > leave you to it...
> >
> Fair, I understand that this is an off-documented use of Radicale. And I 
> suspect there are some upstream bugs beyond your scope, as the WSGI configs 
> aren't working as advertised.
> A couple of questions which I think you can answer and will help me:
> 1. "secure" permissions for the Radicale store are 660, uid=radicale ; 
> gid=radicale, correct? Can they be more restrictive or should they be more 
> permissive? Should 600 work in the "recommended" setup?

600 could work - not convinced that it should, however: I see no
security risk in allowing write access to a group which has only one
user - except if the sysadmin lets anyone else into that group.

> 2. /etc/default/radicale only gets read when radicale runs in standalone, 
> correct?


> 3. The wiki.debian.org/Radicale needs to be overhauled since it doesn't 
> recommend best practices, yes?

Probably - it is a _wiki_ page that I don't care about ;-)

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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