Regarding the following, written by "Antoni Villalonga" on 2022-10-26 at 01:04 
Uhr +0000:
I guess the exit value of your `xautolock -locknow` execution is not zero. At it's defined as EXIT_FAILURE (EXIT_FAILURE=1 in stdlib.c).

Yes, it's 1:

lotus:~% xautolock -locknow || echo $?
Could not locate a running xautolock.

The message "Could not locate a running xautolock." (src/message.c:286) only show up when `type` is not `XA_INTEGER` (19. Defined in /usr/include/X11/Xatom.h from x11proto-dev).

I don't know anything about x11proto, so I am not sure what the above means.

I've recompiled xautolock and if this happens again, I'll be able to provide an strace and the debug output.

Until then: thanks for your quick response!

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
stupidity management for the superuser
is a user space issue in unix systems.
                                                         -- alan cox

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