On Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 03:07:07PM +0200, Lorenzo wrote:


> > Package: runit
> > Version: 2.1.2-50
> > Severity: normal
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > /lib/runit/run_sysv_scripts has this:
> > 
> > for script in "$initdir/$rX"* ; do
> >     [ ! -x "$script" ] && continue
> >     path=$(realpath "$script")
> >     name=${path##*/}
> >     # Special case for wicd. Runscript is called "wicd-daemon",
> >     # to match binary package name.
> >     [ -d "/etc/sv/$name" ] && continue
> >     [ -d "/etc/sv/$name-daemon" ] && continue
> >     "$script" "$rcommand"
> > done
> > 
> > Checking for /etc/sv/$name and skipping initscripts if those
> > directories exist is wrong for two reasons:
> > 
> >  1. /etc/sv/$name may not be symlinked into /etc/service (false
> > positive);
> The runit service exists and is not enabled, so why one would want to
> start a sysv instance instead? 
> To me 1. looks correct, can you make an example when it causes
> unexpected/buggy results?

Our expectations are apparently different. I would expect 
/lib/runit/run_sysv_scripts to do what it says on the tin: run sysv scripts. 
The only reason to skip a script (as far as I'm concerned) is that running it 
would conflict with a runit service.

It's not just about starting services either: if /etc/sv/$name exists but the 
service is not managed by runit (that is, /etc/service/$name doesn't exist), 
and I start the service manually via the initscript, run_sysv_scripts will also 
fail to stop it.

I understand that you're thinking of /etc/sv/ as "configuration", but in this 
instance I would prefer configuration to be more explicit; if I want to disable 
a service I'll make sure it can't be started (e.g. by modifying its 
/etc/default file), not just refrain from creating a /etc/service/ symlink for 

If I just want to disable automatic startups, I'll create 

> >  2. /etc/service may contain a symlink to a service directory for this 
> > service that is elsewhere in the filesystem, not in /etc/sv (false 
> > negative).


lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 34 Feb  9  2009 /etc/service/atd -> 

This isn't in /etc/sv, but it still means atd(8) is managed by runit.

> > As a minimum, I suggest the following: instead of /etc/sv/$name, check for 
> > /etc/service/$name (and $name-daemon if necessary), and not with "-d" but 
> > "-L" (because when running rcS.d, the target of the symlink may only appear 
> > later, for example when a new filesystem is mounted).
> > 
> > This is still imperfect during boot because /etc/service may point to some 
> > directory that is not the one we'll switch to with runsvdir in stage 2. I 
> > don't know what the best way of handling this (likely rare) case is, but 
> > the following solutions come to mind:
> 2. is an issue, especially because I'm thinking of moving the runtime
> directory form /etc/sv/ --> /run/runit/sv/ : this move requires a
> long transition period where both the old and the new path are
> supported as runtime directories..

Uh, what runtime directory? /etc/sv is currently a repository for 
package-supplied and admin-provided service directories. Why would you move 
that to /run, which is volatile?

> On the other hand I don't know if with systemd or Sysvinit is even possible 
> to boot the system with a custom path for services; I don't want to make it 
> unnecessary hard to do it with runit, but I think it's reasonable to expect 
> some effort on admin side for such setup.

I'm sorry, you lost me completely (or maybe I lost you; see my example symlink 

> >  1. have a /etc/runit/override-init.d/ directory. If $name exists in it, 
> > don't invoke the initscript in /lib/runit/run_sysv_scripts. This places the 
> > entire administration/configuration burden on the admin but is very simple 
> > to do, and easy enough for the admin to automate (e.g. your own service 
> > scripts can just create these files when they're first run).
> I'm ok with adding this, but it's unclear to me if the above is theoretical 
> reasoning or you have an actual problem with your setup: in case of the 
> latter please add more detail to avoid the unhappy case where the fix that i 
> push doesn't solve your issue


For example, I have an atd service whose service directory is 
/var/lib/svn-checkout/services/atd. This is symlinked into /etc/service. 
run_sysv_scritps doesn't detect it as a runit-supervised service, because the 
directory is different from /etc/sv/atd, and starts another instance via the 

I have many such services. I keep my runit service directories in Subversion 
and have a checkout of the repository on all systems. I just symlink the 
appropriate directory from the checkout into /etc/service if I want to run a 

I use /etc/sv to instantiate services that I have templates for; for example, I 
have an openvpn runit service template, so I'll create /etc/sv/openvpn-foobar 
and create a /etc/sv/openvpn-foobar/run -> 
/var/lib/svn-checkout/services/openvpn-template/run symlink, then symlink 
/etc/sv/openvpn-foobar into /etc/service (roughly).

This also means that another issue arises where, for example, I install openvpn 
but instead of running it via the initscript, I run several runit services 
(e.g. "openvpn-client1", "openvpn-server42"), and don't want to start the 
Debian initscript at all. The proposed override-init.d mechanism could help 
with this as well.

> >  2. pass the name of the /etc/runit/runsv directory that we expect to be 
> > used to /lib/runit/run_sysv_scripts somehow (for example, in an environment 
> > variable). This looks brittle (riddled with race conditions) and 
> > complicated to me, but it would require no effort from the admin.
> > 
> >  3. invoke runsvchdir earlier during boot. This is problematic on systems 
> > where / is read-only before some initscripts are run.
> I'm thinking of running boot scripts (rcS) in stage 1 unconditionally, (or 
> maybe only subjected to /etc/runit/override-init.d/):

Wouldn't it make sense to do that via a file in /etc/runit/boot-run? (It's what 
I do on my own systems since you introduced /etc/runit/boot-run, fwiw.)

> after all runit is for supervise long run processes, while boot scripts are 
> all oneshots.

Not all: for example, udev/eudev (as you also note) is a daemon that could also 
be run supervised. But it's probably best to treat the script as a one-shot 
anyway, and maybe replace the running udev/eudev with a supervised instance 

> This will make it harder to use oneshots for late boot scripts,

I'm sorry, but I don't see what you mean.

> but will also avoid to break the boot sequence if one has, let's say a 
> /etc/sv/udev directory. Will this improve or worsen your situation?

I suppose it depends on how you do it; if you're out to get me, you'll find a 
way. ;) (j/k)

Currently you run rcS.d scripts by default anyway; all I did was change the 
place they were invoked from.


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