Hi trent - i am interested in this approach:

i see you are binding msmtp over /usr/sbin/sendmail  -  i dont
understand how this would lead to a different outcome: how else does
msmtp know where to send the mail? is there some implicit assumption
about local delivery here? i tried testing but msmtp  does not work at
all out of the box for me - complains that it has no configuration

As far as i can tell, the issue isn't with the "send mail" part, but
the part where the mta (exim/postfix) tries to deliver it

(returning to  logcheck - id agree with losing the 'reboot' mail -
it's pretty clear from the log message that the system has been
rebooted, so not sure what value this is even under cron. I'd suggest
adding Persistent=true in the .timer's [Timer] so that it runs after a
resuming from suspend. Perhaps set it to skip if on battery too )

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