On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 04:49:40PM -0600, Devin Lieberman wrote:


> When mounting exfat XQD cards formatted by my Sony FS7, the Clips folder
> and MXF video files contained therein do not appear despite still existing.
> Upon cd into Clips, ls -la shows the BIM and XML sidecar files created at
> the time of recording but not the video files. Writing to the disk causes
> all files to similarly disappear. When mounted with mount.exfat-fuse, the
> Clips folder appears as do the video files. I'm using a Thinkpad X1 Nano
> Gen 2 Intel 1260P. Here's the transcript:

I already replied in private to Devin. Short summary in public here:
It's an issue with the Linux exFAT driver not with exfatprogs, which
only provide the filsystem utilities.


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