Sandro Tosi <> schreef op 3 maart 2023 21:05:03 CET:
>> This bug is about the warning, not about the fact that the bundled zoninfo
>> database is missing.
>not exactly
>even if these APIs are deprecated upstream, i think breaking them on
>purpose (by removing the bundled timezone file) is uncalled for.

 AFAICS, the API is not deprecated. It is also not really broken. Is just that 
if you ask explicitly for the bundled database, you get an empty database. 
Currently, you get an empty database and a warning is printed; my patch just 
removes that warning.

>Either we reintroduce the timezone file (that may not be a good idea)

 I can't really comment on that. Other distros don't seem to remove it 

>or translate these deprecated APIs into the recommended one,

 I don't see how it would be possible to do that. There are two deprecated 
functions, but those already have a fallback in the function we're fixing here 
(and which is the one that issues the warning).

> or we do
>something else entirely, it's up for debate.

 One thing we could do is to regenerate the bundled database based on actual 
zoneinfo. But then the package should be rebuilt every time zoneinfo is 

Another option would be to remove the fallback on the bundled database, which 
probably solves the initially reported matplotlib issue (see also below). 
However, I don't see this as an improvement over

>simply silencing the warning message is providing 0 value to a proper solution.

 IMHO, it is a perfectly valid solution for the relatively common case of 
requesting a nonexistent timezone. As mentioned a few times in this bug, the 
warning also triggers if a nonexistent timezone is requested without requesting 
explicitly for the bundled database, because there's a fallback on the bundled 
one if it can't be found in the system one. I believe that that is in fact the 
originally reported issue with matplotlib (though the report isn't too clear on 

In my view, no actual user is asking for the possibility of using the bundled 
database, or anything nebulous like using the system database even if the 
bundled one is requested explicitly. They're simply asking for an irrelevant 
warning to be removed.

That said, if it makes people happy, I'm willing to rewrite the patch to remove 
the fallback instead of removing the warning.


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