Package: aide
Version: 0.18-2
Severity: important


The daily aide cron job warns that it cannot send mail as non-root
user. Was wondering why or how to change or workaround that, and saw
commit e82b5c9112d95b5c813ee29c3234733ae0f2c862, but it is not clear
why mail from non-root was disabled, as I don't see why that would not
work. In any case I did a local test in case there was something I was
missing, with:

  # echo test | sudo -u _aide mail -s "test mail as aide user" root

And got a mail to root resembling this anonymized fragment:

  Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2023 17:23:07 +0100
  From: Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment <_aide@$hostname>
  To: root@$fqdn
  Subject: test mail as aide user
  Message-Id: <$msgid>


Could that check be removed to restore daily mails? Perhaps the
intention was to disable that too for autopkgtests instead?


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