On Fri, 24 Feb 2023 10:25:29 -0500 micah anderson <mi...@riseup.net> wrote:
> I've tried the same thing, and get the same results. It appears that the
> systemd support is there, the cryptsetup support is ithere, but just
> cryptsetup-initramfs is not somehow there also.

The old/regular cryptsetup is a different binary than the
systemd-cryptsetup. Only systemd-cryptsetup supports fido2 unlocking.

> It would be a shame to release bookworm with just the initramfs feature
> missing, when all the other pieces are there. Do you have any idea what
> might be blocking this?
> For what it is worth, dracut does work.

dracut works because it's based on systemd, so it uses systemd-cryptsetup.



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