Severity: normal

The TileDB source package uses cmake and find_package for external resources;
the upstream team maintaining the core library is going to switch to vcpkg

A full featured TileDB really needs the AWS SDK which we still do not have,
would benefit from the GCS SDK (not in Debian), ditto for Azure as well as
integration with several other components which is difficult as upstream pins
some parts we have (CapnProto, Catch2, ...) but in different versions.

TileDB is an excellent product, and a lovely C++ library that can be used
well from Python and R.  But it is not a good fit within Debian, and after
maintaining for about two years as a caretaker maintainer (it was brought and
then left by someone else) I have come to the conclusion that it is not a
good fit for Debian.

Full disclosure: I work at TileDB and build the library all the time (mostly
on current Ubuntu as my dev env) and am hence quite familiar with various
extensions and optional components.  We are short-changing our users by not
enabling them, but we cannot enable them and stay true to Debian packaging

Happy to expand if there are questions.

Thanks,  Dirk

-- | @eddelbuettel |

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