
at our company we were quite surprised by this seemingly minor update 3.1.1+dfsg-1+deb11u1, because it completely broke an application: Due to the change the x and y axis are now inverted when converting coordinates to EPSG 31466:

Before (this output is from 11.19, but was like this on 13 before as well):

SELECT geometry,ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(geometry, 3857), 31466)) FROM osm_car_sharing_node LIMIT 1; geometry | st_asgeojson
0101000020110F000004F0844A1349264120ED527FE9DD5841 | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[2539841.86185744,5586869.51937972]}
(1 row)


SELECT geometry, ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(geometry, 3857), 31466)) FROM osm_car_sharing_node LIMIT 1; -[ RECORD 1 ]+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
geometry     | 0101000020110F000004F0844A1349264120ED527FE9DD5841
st_asgeojson | {"type":"Point","crs":{"type":"name","properties":{"name":"EPSG:31466"}},"coordinates":[5586869.519378289,2539841.861857439]}

I understand the rationale for the change in general, but in my opinion such a major change really should not be part of such a minor update.

Is there an option to fix this apart from changing all queries?

Stephan Großberndt

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