Hi all,

pardon me the offence and the noise, but I asked ChatGPT...



In Debian, updates of the r-base package sometimes break backwards
compatibility with a small number of binary packages shipping CRAN
packages, which have in common to use R’s graphic API. We hesitate
between just bumping the version number of the r-base packages’ API, or
to create a new API version scheme just for the subset of packages that
are regularly broken. Which way would you recommend?


Creating a new API version scheme just for the subset of packages that
are regularly broken might be a more efficient solution. This way, you
can manage the updates for these specific packages separately without
affecting the entire r-base package. However, this approach might
require more maintenance work. Bumping the version number of the r-base
packages' API is a simpler solution, but it might cause unnecessary
updates for packages that are not affected by the compatibility issue.
It's a trade-off between complexity and efficiency, and the best choice
depends on the specific circumstances and resources available.


Sorry that it was not conclusive !


Charles Plessy                         Nagahama, Yomitan, Okinawa, Japan
Debian Med packaging team         http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-med
Tooting from home                  https://framapiaf.org/@charles_plessy
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