Hi Simon,

thank you for the fast reply!

Am 04.07.23 um 16:21 schrieb Simon McVittie:
On Tue, 04 Jul 2023 at 08:55:38 +0200, Bastian Venthur wrote:
Jul 03 16:48:14 fiona gnome-shell[2112]: ../../../glib/gmem.c:136: failed to 
allocate 51540049304 bytes
Jul 03 16:48:14 fiona kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 2112, comm: gnome-shell, 
not enough memory for the allocation

I think this is the key thing here: some upgraded package has caused
gnome-shell to try (and fail) to allocate 51G of RAM at once. The rest
of what you quoted is just fallout from this.


Since there was no upgrade in Gnome recently, I suspect that one of the
dependencies got an upgrade. I do vaguely remember evolution, systemd and libc6
being the biggest updates today.

Please check /var/log/apt for recent upgrades. Mesa is another possibility,
and if you have any GNOME Shell extensions installed/enabled, so are those.

I donĀ“t have any shell extensions enabled.

It would be useful to know whether a different user account on the
same system shows the same issue (create a new one with adduser from a
text-mode login if necessary) - that would narrow down whether this is
triggered by some user-specific setting or whether it's a system-wide
issue. gnome-shell is clearly not *completely* unusable on your system,
because you say gdm3 is working, and the gdm3 UI is just gnome-shell in
a special mode - but that special mode turns off a lot of code paths,
including the whole application chooser, which seems to be involved in
the crash.

Done. I've created a new user and tried to login, with the same results.

If you can get a core dump/backtrace from the crash (the syslog entries
that you quoted include a Javascript-level backtrace, but not a C-level
one) then that would probably also be useful information. Installing
system-coredump and using `coredumpctl gdb` is usually the easiest way
to get that, especially for components larger than a single application.

I can try that, do you have a link with some tutorial on how to do that?



Dr. Bastian Venthur                                 https://venthur.de
Debian Developer                                 venthur at debian org

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