> Can you provide a series of steps to replicate the failure case reported in
> this bug?

Reproduction Steps

- Boot using debian-12.1.0-amd64-netinst.iso in a VM

- At the Grub boot menu, select Advanced options > Expert Install

- Go through the following install steps using defaults or as desired:

  - Choose language
  - Configure the keyboard
  - Detect and mount installation media
  - Load installer components from installation media
  - Detect network hardware
  - Configure the network
  - Set up users and password
  - Configure the clocks
  - Detect disks

- When you reach the "Partition disks" step, choose "Manual" disk partitioning 

- Setup a GPT partition table

- Setup an EFI partition (min 100MB), mounted as /boot/efi

- Setup a DMCRYPT partition using remaining free space. (i.e. use as "Physical 
volume for encryption")

- Choose to "Configure encrypted volumes"

- Set a password for the encrypted volume (also to speed up the process, set 
Erase data to: No)

- At this point, switch to TTY2, activate console and type in (the following is 
needed as it is not possible to select luks version):

  - cryptsetup luksClose sda2_crypt

  - cryptsetup luksFormat --type luks1 /dev/sda2

  - cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2 sda2_crypt

- Switch back to TTY1 and select "Go back", and select "Detect Disks" (needed 
to refresh partman's state)

- Select "Partition Disks" again

- Set the file system for the encrypted volume to "XFS" (i.e. use as XFS 
journaling file system) and set the mount point to /.

- To reduces reproduction steps, we won't set up a swap partition.

- Finally, select "Finish partitioning and write changes to disk"

- You will see a dialog saying:

  Encryption configuration failure

  You have selected the root file system to be stored on an encrypted 
partition. This feature requires a separate /boot partition on which the kernel 
and initrd can be stored.

  You should go back and setup a /boot partition.

  <Go Back>                   <Continue>

- It is not possible to get past this dialog.

- Note: If it was possible to get past this dialog, then you can proceed with 
installation as per normal until you get to the "Install Grub Boot Loader" 
stage. You will find that this stage errors at the "grub-install (dummy)" step.

- If you look at msgs on TTY4, you will note it says to add the line 
"GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y" to the /etc/default/grun file. So, switch console on 
TTY2 and edit /target/etc/default/grub file and add this line.

- Run the "Install Grub Boot Loader" stage again and it will work and rest of 
the install will progress normally.

- The missing "GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y" line is a seperate bug #925134.

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