Control: tag -1 + confirmed help

On Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 4:18 AM Marco Herrn <> wrote:
> Package: conky-all
> Version: 1.18.3-1
> Severity: normal
> According to the package description this package provides support for
> systemd journal:
> “
>  This is a full conky with most compile options enabled:
>  .
>  Wayland, X11, XDamage, XDBE, Xft, MPD, MOC, math, hddtemp, portmon, RSS,
>  Weather, wireless, IBM, nvidia, eve-online, Imlib2,
>  apcupsd, I/O stats, argb, Lua and the cairo and imlib2 Lua bindings,
>  Audacious, PulseAudio, iCal, iconv, IRC, and systemd journal.
> ”
> Also the manpage lists “journal” as a known variable:
> “
>        journal lines (type)
>               Displays  last N lines of the systemd journal.  The optional 
> type can be `user' or `system' which will show only the user or system 
> journal respectively.  By
>               default, all journal lines visible to the user are shown.  A 
> maximum of 200 lines can be displayed, or until the text buffer is filled.
> ”
> However, using this variable in the config file leads to the message
> “conky: unknown variable '$journal'”
> and conky itself displays the text
> “${journal}”

For anyone following along with this bug report, I could use some help
figuring out where the problem lies (a patch would be even better!).
Both conky-{std,all} are built with -DBUILD_JOURNAL=ON (can be
confirmed from the build log) and src:conky has a build-dep on
libsystemd-dev (which does have the necessary pkg-config files).
However cmake doesn't seem to actually be able to find libsystemd. I'm
not sure what's going on here.


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